Take TWO!
Hi, my name is Ryan. This is my first semester retiring to college to finish my degree. I am currently working on Historical Studies and hoping to go on to become a librarian. Right now, I work for the United States Postal Service. I’m a supervisor there. In addition to that, I’m in the National Guard. Throw in a little photo here, boom. I live in Syracuse, NY with my fiancĂ© and our beautiful, new, three month old Daughter, Luise AKA Lulu. In addition to this class, I’m working on a couple of other creative projects. I’m currently working on producing a magazine that can be seen here. Those were a couple of little previews that I made. I handed out about 400 at a convention last summer. In addition to that, I’m currently playing in a band and playing shows quite frequently. So, I’m in a band, working on a magazine, military, father, full time job and getting married. Things are quite busy for me ...