Hi, my name is Ryan. This is my first semester retiring to college to finish my degree. I am currently working on Historical Studies and hoping to go on to become a librarian. Right now, I work for the United States Postal Service. I’m a supervisor there. In addition to that, I’m in the National Guard. Throw in a little photo here, boom. I live in Syracuse, NY with my fiancé and our beautiful, new, three month old Daughter, Luise AKA Lulu. In addition to this class, I’m working on a couple of other creative projects. I’m currently working on producing a magazine that can be seen here. Those were a couple of little previews that I made. I handed out about 400 at a convention last summer. In addition to that, I’m currently playing in a band and playing shows quite frequently. So, I’m in a band, working on a magazine, military, father, full time job and getting married. Things are quite busy for me right now. I really look forward to taking this class and learning everything I can. Thank You.
Selfie 2: bonus features
I decided for my last blog post to add some bonus feature style content to my final selfie. The background is still hanging on my wall. When my fiancé's aunt came to babysit this morning, she asked me what it was and I got to telling her about the class. She thought that it sounded interesting. I realized as I was talking to her there is still so much more I could say in a final selfie or even just about the final selfie. You know what really drove me nuts? The hissing on my iPhone microphone. I tried everything to get it to not hiss! After I made the video I looked at the footage again and thought maybe the iPhone footage is of poorer quality than the Mac footage. Yet in the Mac footage I can't see all of the details that I can in the iPhone footage. I really don't know what to think. I still have more to learn about video. I heard the guy who made The Room, shot the whole movie with two types fo cameras b...
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