Selfie 2: bonus features

I decided for my last blog post to add some bonus feature style content to my final selfie.  The background is still hanging on my wall.  When my fiancé's aunt came to babysit this morning, she asked me what it was and I got to telling her about the class.  She thought that it sounded interesting.  I realized as I was talking to her there is still so much more I could say in a final selfie or even just about the final selfie.  You know what really drove me nuts?  The hissing on my iPhone microphone.  I tried everything to get it to not hiss!  After I made the video I looked at the footage again and thought maybe the iPhone footage is of poorer quality than the Mac footage.  Yet in the Mac footage I can't see all of the details that I can in the iPhone footage.  I really don't know what to think.  I still have more to learn about video.  I heard the guy who made The Room,  shot the whole movie with two types fo cameras because he couldn't understand the difference between the two.  Maybe I can finally relate to that fella.  Should I have touched on this more in the video?  Perhaps, but it's the kind of thing that only the die hard fan would care that I even put thought to, like the people that watch special features.  So that's why I am calling this Selfie 2: bonus features.  It was hard to figure out what to talk about.  I thought that my evolution from a technical stand point was a good starter.  I think that it went pretty well although I'm not crazy about the iPhone footage.

Working with other people really was a highlight of the class.  I knew that I needed to touch upon it in the video.  I hope that it came across well, that what I learned about besides technical video creation was the sharing of information and community.  It's hard for me to express myself publicly in a serious way.  I tend to joke around a lot in real life.  I think that the group project helped me grow there to say something important.  I don't think I'm necessarily ready to share my deepest feelings publicly but I did make progress on being able to share my story.

On to the second Nerd Concepts episode.  All I can say is that mask was really uncomfortable.  I know I mumble and do not speak up in my videos.  I was so worried if my voice would be audible through the mask but I think it came out pretty well.  The second video was a lot easier than the first because I had a lot off the links worked out and I would reuse elements like the total card style and intro logo.  they say it's cheaper for two to eat than one and I guess that sort of applies to videos as well!

That pretty much sums up my struggles with the last two videos.  I think that I am pretty happy with both of them.  They look pretty good I think and manage to communicate their points.  They show elements of who I am.  What more is there?


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