Creating the Concept

Choosing a topic.  I know that’s not a complete sentence but I want to let it breath as a single statement.  It’s one of the most difficult tasks one can be assigned.  You can try to twist and turn research into any shape, like cutting an animal out of shrubs in an arboretum.  Is there going to be enough to say?  Is there too much to say?  Do I even know where to begin?  Is it going to be LAME?  Will anyone care? 

As I struggled on the hardest part of creating a vlog entry I decided to do something different.  I had already covered my own life in the selfie and in my M1 story.  I didn’t need to rehash that ground.  M3 seemed to be centered around working towards a cause.  So that was probably doing to be more serious.  M2 let’s go with something that has nothing to do with my personal life and is just fun.  The discussion at the start of this module was one of the most eye opening to me.  We all seem to really be falling down rabbit holes of content and very specific interests.  One reply to mine stated that they did not know what “cosmic horror” was but were interested in learning.  Another reply talked about how they loved the internet age because being a “90’s kid” they previously were unable to find as much information on topics they were interested in.  I have noticed among people in my age group seem to consider the last generation to had to have found things “the hard way”.  This creates a feeling of elitism towards both younger generations and people who discovered more obscure interests at a later date.  I often hear how “easy” it is the access that information these days.  

Maybe the basics are getting lost though, which lead me to my idea: Nerd Concepts.  I’m going to use this assignment to pilot or maybe more accurately first draft an idea for a youtube show.  As the conversation online on just about any topic of limited interested continues it feels like we see an escalation and barrier to entry.  My concept is to go over and explain those basic ideas.  Does Wikipedia do this?  Sure.  But my shown will put all of these related entries together in for place for someone that wants to become interested in “nerd culture”.  I decided to start with cosmic horror.  Cosmic horror seems to be the perfect place to start because it’s a topic that got me thinking about all of this in the first place.  It’s something I am interested in an very familiar with with.  I’m excited to go about creating this vlog to showcase this sub genre of horror fiction with anyone interested.  


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