Group Project

Working as a team in module was a totally different experience from the rest of the class.  The Lambert text especially focuses on individuals telling their own stories.  So far every project had been a representation of me as an individual.  The collaborative process was totally different but very enjoyable.  I once remember a quote about comic book artist Frank Miller saying something along the lines of some guys can write, some guys can draw, some guys can color, etc but he is one of the few guys that can make a complete comic book himself.  I thought about that in terms of digital storytelling.  There is something to be said for purity of vision and creating something with flavor but a creator is also risking going off the rails by working in a vacuum.  I think of the great work a guy like Frank Miller has done and bizarre, arguably terrible work that has Amos come out of such uncompromising vision.  I think that working as a group was good for me.  I love to be the idea person.  Coming up with a topic and writing a script really fell into my wheel house.  I wasn't alone though and received feedback from my group mates to create a stronger piece.  I loved the division of labor and giving everyone a chance to shine in their area.  By going from videos representing solely my interests to creating something with meaning it really got me to thinking about my life outside of this class.  Since making the video I noticed how my own eating and exercise habits had changed since I found out I was having a child and started full time school on top of my full time job.  I've been gaining weight since last fall and becoming one of those overweight Americans myself!  The video shined a light on what I could do better.  I want my child to grow up healthy and with good role models.  In the last few weeks since we have started, I haven't been cooking processed food.  This week, every night, I have cooked fresh vegetables with tofu or tempeh.  I have been getting back into running and stretching.  The research I did wasn't just something that I was trying to persuade someone else, it was something I needed to see.  The video has set me on a better track.  I really don't know what more I can ask for out of a collaboration.  


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